Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big News

Sophie started to teach herself how to crawl this weekend!!! In the past 48 hrs she has made HUGE strides toward crawling. First, we noticed her lunging forward more and more lately from the seated position. Then, we noticed she could turn herself all around 180 degrees or more. Then, today, Jim said "look she is crawling" (I was in the other room so actually missed it) when she was on the floor and apparently lunged toward a new crib toy we got her and stayed sort of up on her hands and knees moving toward the toy. Then, after dinner she normally sits on her play mats and plays until she gets tired. Well, tonight she kept turning herself around and kept lunging forward and either falling down or catching herself on her hands. It's been amazing to watch this process. She seems determined to keep trying out her new skills even if it ticks her off that she is on her tummy or that she falls more. We predict she will be full out crawling by Thanksgiving, possibly even by the time her Grandma and Grandpa MacDougall and Aunt Lacey get here for their visit this weekend. We are both so proud and thrilled and yet also terrified and making lists of babyproofing things we need to go get like NOW.

1 comment:

David W. MacDougall said...

Wow, she is doing the Locomotion!!
She is truly a gifted child :-)
Can't wait to see her!