Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Many faces of Sophie in a day

Here were several different photos of Sophie from the same day. She had a hard time waking up from her nap that day so I carried her outside hoping that the sounds and light would wake her but they did not. I held her and then I had to wake her up finally and she wasn't real happy at first. (It's true you really should never wake a sleeping baby but when you read the next paragraph you'll understand why I did it.)

I am not going to lie to you friends.... It's been a tough week. On Memorial Day last week, Sophie was up from 1-5am. It was a tough tough tough night and really took us by surprise after such a great day and not having done that in a long time. Then, she was also up several times in the middle of the night for hours multiple times last week and then last night, she would not go to sleep at her usual 8pm time. It was 11pm when we finally got her to sleep. Yeah, it's definitely teething. We haven't seen any new teeth but she is clearly hurting a lot. We're using popcicles, ice, frozen peas and of course tylenol to help with the pain. Last night, she even pointed to her tylenol and her mouth and we gave her a double dose because it was the first time she ever "asked" directly for it. But, in addition to the teething, Jim and I truly believe she is going through a huge developmental spurt. She seems so different even just within the last week or two. Very independent and can play on her own for long stretches. Very creative with her toys and activities. Overall, a more even-keeled and happy happy kid. We feel so blessed and so very proud of our sweet little angel. Who needs sleep anyway, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The not sleeping thing has to be tough! Sue