Thursday, February 11, 2010

How we spent Snowpacolypse 2010

We've been holed up inside for the last two days waiting out Snowpacolypse 2010. It's been nice to have Jim home these two days but unfortunate that he had to work and shovel so much. Still it's nice to see glimpses of "Daddy" throughout the day!

Yesterday we kept Sophie busy with the following: fingerpainting, playdough, a sing-a-long, a jam band session, a dance party, coloring, book reading, teaparty, and much more. Today, we basically did more of the same but we also made Valentine's cupcakes and we did get outside to trek through the snow to take a few cupcakes to our neighbors as well. Tomorrow is the big day out. We will brave the shoulder high snow piles at the end of the driveway (I am not even kidding) and glide on through the beautifully shoveled driveway to make our journey to the outside.

Sophie has been in FANTASTIC spirits (of course, as I write this her head is probably upstairs spinning as we speak) and that has been such a blessing and joy to have such a happy little snow bunny to share Snowpacolypse 2010 with (thanks to Heather Weisse Walsh for the fun and oh so appropriate phrase). We have come to the realization that Sophie just wants to do everything herself. And if we basically let her, everyone is happy. How's that for being well trained by your toddler???!!!

As for Emily, well she is becoming more and more active every day (doing that whole thing where it feels like someone is churning butter on your insides) and kicking me in two places at once now. I find myself more and more ravenous (anyone who knows me finds this not hard to believe I'm sure) but the more I eat the more uncomfortable I get so it's a vicious horrible cycle already and I have three more months to go of this - oy! I don't recall feeling this uncomfortable at 25 weeks last time but I probably blocked it. How can it really continue like this for 14 more weeks????

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