Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Saturday with Sophie

So this morning, I turn around and Sophie is biting on the handheld mirror that i gave her to look at herself in with her pretty earrings (clip-on Peeps earrings she got in her easter basket). She didn't want to stop biting it clearly but I had to take it away (you know, what with potential broken glass shards being what they are and all). So in protest, she proceeded to walk over to a painted black wood cabinet we have and lick it. Seriously, she licked it twice. What's up with that????


David W. MacDougall said...

She may be going through her termite phase. I used to chew on the window sills, lead paint and all. And I liked gnawing on pencils, too.

Susie said...

Today Kiera licked her photo of her & the Easter Bunny. The other day I caught her licking the sole of a shoe. Go figure . . . one of those phases.

Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

Children are strange.

Kiera said...

You're so lucky you have some sunshine - it's raining at my house!