Monday, March 9, 2009

A New Month, A New Cold

Playing at Smith Playhouse

Hanging with my "boyfriend" Max

It's been a wonderful couple of days but Sophie caught a cold as of yesterday. On Friday we went to Smith Memorial Playhouse with our good friends the Powells and on Saturday we had a long overdue holiday brunch with our friends at Mike and Bob's new place. Yesterday, however, poor Sophie started to feel sick and have a runny nose and a small fever (the highest it got was about 100.1). She had a very tough night falling asleep but today she has seemed better and better as each hour passes and she's upstairs sleeping (and has been for a few hours now). In other news, she climbed two steps today. Lord help me - it's definitely time for a gate!

1 comment:

Kiera said...

I have the ICK again too - it is not fun. I have a new play friend, but I can play with him until I feel better. I hope you feel better soon.