Today marks the
one year anniversary of the passing away of my amazing father in law, William Oxenford.
Dad was larger than life and so full of love for everyone in his family that sometimes it seemed that all that love was just bursting out of his skin. His kindness and gentleness and love for his family meant the world to so many of us in his life. I so wish I had been able to spend more time with this amazing man while he was still on this earth. And it rips my heart open to know that my sweet daughters will not get to know their Poppy but through our memories passed on to them. In the short time Dad had with Sophie he was truly one of her biggest fans. Everything Sophie did was a source of so much pride and so much happiness to Dad. Her every move just tickled him to no end. I know Dad would be equally in love with baby Emily. Together the two girls would probably be almost too much joy and fun for him to bear.
And yet Emily looks so much like Poppy it makes me know that he is with us forever and always and he lives on not just in our hearts and our memories but through our family line and our flesh and blood. Sometime when I see a funny expression on Emily's face or even when I'm nursing her, it's the weirdest thing but I see Poppy there and I know he is with us.
We all miss you so much, Dad... Our lives will never be as rich or as joyful without you telling us how much you love us or being in the kitchen making some delicious feast or teasing us or giving your big hugs. Our hearts ache to feel one more bear hug, to hear one more belly laugh, to see your eyes beaming. But we know you are always with us. One look at your newest granddaughter Emily and there is no doubt your legacy lives on and for this I am so very grateful. We love you, Poppy!!!!