Sophie turned 19 months old on Monday. This was obviously overshadowed by the recent Goblin invasion post. Needless to say we did sing to her and smothered her in hugs and kisses to celebrate, albeit not when she first woke up like we normally do. Let's just say we were tired and a bit preoccupied. Poor kid... it begins already.
On the word front, I am no longer going to report on what words she does say. It would be a shorter list to say what she doesn't say at this point. Some notable words of late though include: sorry, steps (but it sounds like teps), chicken (but it sounds like kickin), tunnel, and many more.
Unfortunately, in addition to some wicked teething going on Sophie also caught a cold. Thankfully, it has caused no fever and just a runny nose and some extra crankiness. But already she seems on the mend and we are giving her Sambucus (elderberry) extract for kids which seems to be helping to alleviate the symptoms already. Fingers crossed it is going to quickly run its course and be gone so she can have fun celebrating her first trick or treating this weekend and our upcoming holiday photo shoot with cousin Liana.