I'd say Halloween 2010 was a huge success. We managed to pack A LOT of Halloweening fun into the Halloween week culminating on Halloween Day. For breakfast on Halloween Sophie got to have M&M pancakes to start her day off right. We took GGMom out to breakfast and then made a special visit to the Minchins (who are BIG Halloween people themselves). After our visit with the Jersey crowd, we headed home for a little real food and a nap and then geared up for the big event. All four of us went out trick or treating this year and we had a great time. Probably only were out for about an hour which ends up being the perfect amount of time to hit our street and one or two other sections of streets near ours. Sophie wanted "MORE TRICK OR TREATING" which was her gleeful battle cry as soon as she would finish saying "thank you" and come down the stairs of each house. What can I say... the little girl has a sweet tooth like her mommy and hasn't met a candy she doesn't like yet. She didn't have any major meltdowns and went to bed later than usual but not too late and with very minimal if any sugar crashing drama. It was a good Halloween for the Oxenfords.
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