Sunday, November 11, 2007

Loosing teeth!

What is the child doing to me? Last night I lost part of my back tooth while eating popcorn! The filling is still in it but the back tooth part is now missing. This happened to me earlier on in the pregnancy, too. When I was in Ohio and a small portion of a lower back tooth came out while chewing gum. Amazingly, neither of these teeth bit losses have hurt yet but I guess it's time to get to the dentist. I can't even imagine what Sophie is doing that is making my teeth fall out!

UPDATE: I stand corrected. According to my step-mother Kathy who is a dental expert, there is no correlation between pregnancy and tooth loss or decay. Shwew - that's good to know!


Kathy said...

Dear Jennifer,
There is no truth to the old wives tale about the baby "softening " your teeth. What is happening with your teeth may due crunching on hard food, candy and or ice. You may consider the life expectancy of most restorations on posterior teeth is under 10 years! Think about when these teeth were restored. In general a trip to the dentist is advised prior to pregnancy or shortly after to determine your overall dental health. An important consideration is the use and type of anesthesia that may be required. Love to you three, Kathy

Jennifer O. said...

Hi Kathy!

I'm so glad to hear that! So, it's just me, huh? Thanks for letting me know (and sorry to blame your grand-daughter so unfairly!)