Monday, April 14, 2008

Meeting more family

Yesterday Sophie finally got to meet her Great Grandmom Coll and her Great Aunt Dee and Great Uncle Jer and her Great Cousins Doris Anne and Sarah! And today her Grandma and Grandpa MacDougall are coming to visit - in fact, they are on their way from South Carolina right now!

Sophie is doing really well. We are trying to adjust to her sleeping and wakeful periods. Friday night was very very tough. She was awake and inconsolable until after 4am. We took turns bouncing her in her swaddle to really annoying white noise... Finally, she slept after about 4am. It was a tough night because as new parents it's so hard to tell if something is actually wrong with her or not. We were worried and took turns looking through all our baby books but we could not identify anything wrong with her and thankfully, she slept great the whole rest of the weekend. So, we'll see.. She is certainly keeping us on our toes! She also has starting making a whole new range of vocalizations. She coos, she smiles, Jim even got the beginnings of a laugh from her. At night, she makes all sorts of funny noises while she is sleeping. It's amazing to think that these sounds are likely the beginnings of her verbal lexicon.

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