Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Six Weeks Old Today

Well, now that we're into counting Sophie's life by months and not mere weeks, I will stop labeling weekly "Happy Birthday" posts but yet today is still a big day as it marks Sophie's sixth week of life!

In these past few days I feel I have really learned a lot about my girlie and what she needs. I have come to believe that much of her "fussing" has absolutely nothing to do with gas or indigestion but simply overstimulation. And, the more I can get her to nap well throughout the day and to not disturb her when she actually is asleep, the happier she is. I've also had a bit of an epiphany in that if she needs to fall asleep in my arms and be held for 2-4 hours, then so be it. That's my job right now. It's not worth it at this young tender age to try and get her to sleep in her bassinet during the day if it means she wakes up screaming 5 minutes after I put her down in there. Sophie's challenges are not in sleeping at night but rather sleeping (or napping) in the day and also falling asleep at night. We are working on it and to me, with allowing her the time she needs in the day to be held and sleep, she seems like a much happier little baby overall. To my mind, whatever it takes for her to be happy and not screaming is the right way to go at this young age of six weeks old.

She is also smiling and cooing so much more now. She even made what Jim thought sounded like "pre-laugh" sounds recently. Her repertoire of noises is growing larger every day.

Over the weekend, she had a very nice visit with her Uncles Mike and Bob.

Uncle Mike

Uncle Bob feeding Sophia her second bottle ever

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