Mommy, when can I stop wearing this silly hat?
Getting some shade on the music pier with Daddy
Riding in her stroller on the boards
Bikini babe
Still working it
Chillin with Dad
People always tell you that having a child will change your life forever. Well, on the surface that's a pretty logical statement. Of course having a child changes your life forever. No more dining out, no more concerts, no more this or that at the drop of a hat are always mentioned with a kind of "oh-you-cannot-even-imagine-the-agony-of-it-all" tone of voice or with the look of someone imprisoned is some hellish diaper infested baby drool smeared prison cell. Some parents hear of your pre child escapades will often say "HA! Wait until you have kids." with a wicked glint in their eye. It's now been almost 4 months since we welcomed Sophie to the world and life certainly has changed. We live for our little girl now. Her comfort and happiness are all that matters.
Sophie amazes me everyday with her excitement and wonder with all things. I can say her name from across the room and she will look at me and smile the biggest smile you've ever seen. Her eyes will light up and it just melts my heart. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Pure, bright white, warm love fills my entire being when my little girl smiles. Unconditional, knee knocking, goose bump inducing, head to toe love.
I love, love, love being Sophie's Daddy. I feel lucky to have such a wonderful, healthy, smart baby girl to father. She's teaches me something new about myself and about life everyday. She taught me to try and be a more patient, kind and thoughtful person. She's taught me to approach life with a lot more love in my heart. Sophie and I are also lucky to have Jen. She continues to inspire me with her beauty, kindness and compassion. She is a fantastic mother and a great wife.
Sure, we don't eat out as much as we used to but life now is so much better. I wouldn't change it one tiny bit.