Last Sunday we went to a high school graduation party for my cousin Doris Anne. Here is a photo of four generations!
And, here is Sophie with her Great Grandmom (her "GG Mom")
Sophie also got to hang out with her godparents, Heather and Christian, and her god brothers who were in town Sat-Mon on their way up to Maine for the week. I also don't think I ever got around to posting any photos from the 4th of July but Sophie also finally got to meet her Federwitz god family, too!
Godmother Heather
Godmother Dani
Sophie actually really liked her Godmother Dani so this was sort of bad timing to catch her looking so unhappy with her. (Sorry, Dani!)
Godfather Christian has a slightly different style (of course, she liked Godfather Christian too)
Sophie now has a Bumbo and a new exerciser toy which she seems to be really enjoying though her feet don't quite touch the ground on the exerciser and she has a tendencey to lean slightly to the right when sitting in her Bumbo. But still, it's just amazing to me how quickly she is growing into these "big" toys. It's all going by so fast!
Sophie is doing really well with my working from home arrangement on the days I'm not in the office. For the most part, I either hold her during meetings and conference calls and videoconferences or sometimes I can put her down and have her play in her Bumbo or on her play mat or her bouncy seat. Occassionally she gets fussy but I can usually quickly help her get past it by shaking a rattle in front of her while I'm on a call or otherwise try to distract her. By the end of the day, we're both ready for quitting time for sure and then I like to take her outside for some fresh air and to water the plants or just walk around the back yard so she can see the world a bit instead of being couped up inside all day. When Jim gets home, she is always thrilled to see her Daddy and we all really enjoy our time together in the mornings before work and at night as a family. Lately, she has not been going to bed very early. She seems just too interested in everything going on all around her so we have been playing with her or helping her "walk" or even sit up to look all around. It seems like she is 3 and a half months going on a year already - she's just so curious and active. Because of this new extended nighttime playtime, she has been sleeping later and later in the morning. It was great before because we loved not needing to set an alarm but now she is sleeping till 8, 8:30 and even 9am if we let her now! So, we are having to set the alarm to make sure we all get up on time. We're all happy it's almost the weekend and look forward to a quiet summer weekend home together.
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