First Cheerios
She also started peas this week which, thankfully, she loves. So her list of foods that she loves now includes milk, bananas, pears, apples, sweet potato, and peas. Pretty impressive!!
I'm Loving These Peas
Are you sure they're good for me?
Really, a vegetable?
Finally, I just had to share what was written in the Penn Children's Center Infant Newsletter that was left for us in Sophie's cubby when I picked her up on Friday. After the anticipation of reading through the other classes I finally got to the "Little Ladybugs" which is Sophie's class. Cute updates were given about all the infants in her class. Of our cutie-pie was written, "Sophia is one of our newest and youngest infants. Sophia is a girl who knows what she wants, although she is just 4 months old she does a good job of communication her needs to her caregivers." TOO FUNNY! Yep, that's our girlie!
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