Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update on the ick

Peanut (pre-ick)

Well, Sophie's cold took a turn for the worse over the weekend and we were back at the doctor's yesterday after Sophie woke up and told us "her ear hurt." She really has been just miserable - puffy eyes, projectile nose, horrible cough keeping her up all night long. Really not a happy little monkey. Thankfully the ears checked out fine but the doctor said she had a very raw and red throat and even tested her for strep which came back negative. We did get the greenlight to give her a little benadryl last night to help her sleep and though she seemed high as a kite from it we think it did indeed help her get more rest and not wake up miserable and crying from not being able to breathe every few hours. So after five days of it, there is a light at the end of this sick tunnel for our little angel girl.

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