Today was the most exciting and happiest day since the day in July when we found out we were pregnant!! We had our 20 week ultrasound today!! It was just amazing. We are overjoyed beyond belief to report that the baby is healthy (10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 kidneys, 4 chambers in the heart, right size bones, skull, you name it!). I was also surprised to learn that the baby is already 13 ounces. (Maybe that explains why my back is hurting so much already.) Most of our pregnancy books and websites were saying that the baby would be about 8 oz now - not 13! And, the baby is extremely active and was moving and posing all throughout the "photoshoot".
We are also thrilled to let the world know that It's A Girl!!!! While I thought it was going to be a boy, everyone (and I mean everyone) else thought girl. So, Jim and all you friends and family were right! So much for my "mother's intuition"!!
Here are the ultrasound photos of our beautiful baby girl! We even got to see her in 3D! Please meet the beautiful Sophia Oxenford!

WOO frickin HOO!!!! Yay team!
We are so excited for you guys!
Maybe we need to have another girl now?
...nah, Dora is MORE than enough. ;-)
Luv U guys!
I soooooo knew it! Dora will be so excited too. I am really happy for you guys, but we will NOT be having any more babies, let alone another girl.
She's just being grouchy guys... I'll keep working on her. :-D
I think Sophie looks Scottish. Is that a bagpipe I see in there?
Dad, I think that's the umbilical cord!! :-)
All kidding aside, it's SO exciting to see "the beautiful Sophie Oxenford's" first photos. If she is half the woman her mother is, the world will be blessed.
Kathy and I enjoyed our visit to your blog tonight and you can be we'll be stopping by again and again.
I cried. Congratulations on your little girl. If my Evie is bigger than your Sophie, I'll send you hand me down clothes, but Evie was 7 oz at 20 weeks, so you already have me beat. I don't think the 3 week head start that Evie has will be enough to share hand-me-downs!
Again Congrats!
SO great to see Sophie's first photos, wonderfully exciting!!
My Mama instincts were also off as I thought for sure Chaz was a Lola!
Much love to Mom, Dad and bebita!
Love and misses from your MexiCanadian amigos!!
pink envelopes it is! :-)
Woooo Hooooo! Guess whut? Our beans is gonna have a blurpy girl thingy too! Well, sort of. They is gonna adopt and the birth-mommy is due on Dec. 13. We age gonna make our announcement to da cat blogosphere on Friday 11/9.
P.S. - ConCATulations!
Wowie! That's so gurreat! Hey, did you know that her first name is da same as my mommy's first!!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
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