Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welcome to the World, Baby Max!!

This post is several weeks overdue now but I wanted to share the most adorable little addition to the Powell family - Maximilian Robert Powell. He was born at the Bryn Mawr Birth Center on Dec. 30th to our good friends Dan and Amelia (Amy was one of the three pregos if you recall...)

Here is a photo of Amelia in early December as one of the three preggo's (along with me and Maeve).

And, here is baby Max, mommy Amelia, and daddy Dan after he was born on New Years Eve. Isn't he gorgeous???

Finally, here is Max in Aunt Dina's arms!! Happy Birthday Max!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Max is one beautiful little fellow.I was so happy to learn your test turned out favorable. Stay healthy you three. Love,Kathy