Well, the week started out pretty good - Sophie and I went to our friends' house for a little birthday celebration on Monday and had pizza and got to play and visit with friends we haven't seen in a long long time. Then on Tuesday we went to the Lansdowne Library for story hour. It was our first time attending the Lansdowne Library story hour and it was really fun and Sophie had a great time dancing, singing and reading with the other kids. But then on Wednesday, it all went south as she woke up with a fever (again) and had a runny nose and watery eye. We decided to get her into the doctors again and I'm really glad we did because she now has an ear infection (from the last cold). She's on an antiobiotic now (which she hates) and already seeming to feel a bit better but she had a really rough night and was awake and feverish and obviously in pain. Today when she woke up from her nap, she was inconsolable and clearly in tons of pain. Only a popsicle seemed to help take away the pain and tears. Hopefully, the antibiotics (and popsicles) will work their magic and some R&R this week will make her all better again soon.
In other news, today I heard her make a 3 word sentence. I can't remember what it was exactly but I remember being pretty wow'ed by it. She also now says "Sophia" (she has said "Sophie" for a while now but the "Sophia" is new) and we think she learned that from her new puppy pal, Violet, that her Aunt Pat gave her. Today she also said "Sophia, my name." Cool huh? Our tree is up as of Sunday and she is just thrilled with the lights and ornaments and "candy nanes." This year is the first year we decided we needed colored lights (for Sophie of course) and I'm so glad we used them because every day Sophie goes to the tree and says "pink, green, blue, purple" and looks at all the ornaments. Despite the holiday illnesses it is such a joy to see Christmas through her eyes this year - we are loving it!!!
I am a huge believer in the healing properties of popsicles. In fact, I know the kids are really sick when they don't want one.
Adam still says "Candy cans". Doesn't it make you think of brightly dressed ladies with ruffly skirts dancing away?
Oh Heather! Candy Cans! MMMM. That Adam is on to something.
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