Group shot
Playing musical chairs for the first time
Coloring and eating cake with DeeRee
Nanny and Sophie and Daddy
Mommy and Sophie and Daddy
I'd venture to say that Sophie had a pretty fabulous birthay weekend. On Saturday we had a great kid party for all her little friends at the Please Touch Museum. It was really fun and so neat to have all her friends there to help celebrate. After the party proper, we got to explore the museum and she had a blast. It's been about a year since she's been there and clearly I need to take her more often because she was just loving it. We literally had to chase after her to get her to finally leave. Afterwards, some family who couldn't make it to the museum came back to the house for yet another little party with more cake, more presents and more fun. Overall Sophie's 2nd birthday-palooza will go down in the books as a very memorable birthday for sure!!! My goodness what are we going to do for her 3rd birthday???
I am fairly certain that the only way to top it is to get her a pony.
Pony? Great idea.... gonna get working on that RIGHT NOW>
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