Today Sophie took her first steps. What amazing resilience for this poor kid to be sick for two weeks but still she is learning and growing and took her first steps on her own today. Also today she had a fall and bonked her head. I felt so bad because I had been so careful all day with her, being with her constantly so she would not fall and cry and get upset because I didn't want her to scream or cry and hurt her throat more or start a coughing fit. But, then after she took her steps I got so excited I had the camera out and ready and was videotaping her while she was standing up and holding on to the wall. Poor little monkey. Banged her head right into it. Has a bruise and everything. Yep, she cried (though it was mostly a soundless cry cuz her little vocal cords are shot). Yep, I got much of it on video. But, I can't bring myself to watch it yet.
Being home with Sophie brings such highs and lows everyday. I try to do my best and do what's right for her. Sometimes I'm better at it than others. I'm learning. She is patient with me and quickly forgives me for the most part.
These photos were taken earlier in the week when she was still feeling pretty good. She is wearing the Frida Kahlo t-shirt and satin jacket we got her in NYC last January on our "babymoon". It's amazing that it was one year ago that we were buying this outfit for her wondering what she would look like, what her little laugh would be like, when she would take her first steps. And, here we are. Less than 12 months later and she is wearing the outfit. She is laughing (and crying) up a storm. She took her first steps today. She has hair. She gets bed head. She has moods. She is brilliant. Less than 12 months ago and she wasn't even here yet. Truly remarkable and awe inspiring every day and every moment I am with her.
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