Monday, June 23, 2008

We survived!!

Well, we survived my first day back to work. It was so incredibly hard and I was a total wreck on Sunday and this morning but once I was actually in the car and on the way in, it wasn't as bad. And once at the office I had plenty of distraction so didn't have too much time to get sad. Plus, people have been so kind to check up on me and to send me encouraging thoughts. My colleague Shelly was so sweet and put a card and a Starbucks giftcard on my door to greet me upon return - how cool is that?? And, thanks for everyone's phone calls and texts - I really appreciate it. Honestly, I thought labor was hard. Then, Sophie was a tough baby and cried so much between weeks 2 and 6 and I thought THAT was hard. But, now I think leaving your not even three month old baby to go back to work is the hardest thing a new mom has to do... My mom, the amazing Dee Ree, was here at home with her today and they apparently had a wonderful day together so it was a good start and I knew she had the best possible care but still... To my mind, the only upside really is that when I came home holding Sophia was that much sweeter. Thankfully, I will be working from home a lot this summer but still this is going to be a huge transition to work full-time now and to have to leave her on a regular basis. I know it will all work out, though. It will just take time.

In other news, overall we had a pretty good first family trip to Gettysburg. The drive there took us about three hours and I'd say Sophie cried about 50% and slept about 50%. We ended up having a nanny come to Gettysburg to watch her while we went to Heather and Pat's wedding and unfortunately, the nanny wasn't able to get her to sleep and she was pretty freaked out being in a hotel room with a stranger (who wouldn't, really?). So, when we got word that things weren't going too well, we had to leave the wedding early and go back to the hotel which was about 20 mins away from the wedding site. But, we got to see the reception and cocktail hour and it was just lovely. The bride was gorgeous, the flowers were beautiful, and the location was really just lovely. After we got back to the room, Sophie calmed down and pretty quickly went to sleep so that was nice. On Saturday we woke up and went to see hhistroic Gettysburg. Our first family trip! Unforutnately, we didn't get any photos of the three of us in Gettysburg but we took an auto-tour and Sophie did really well and was happy and talking and mostly content through about an hour of that. Then, she got fussy and quite honestly it was time to go anyway so we set off for our drive home. Amazingly enough, she slept almost the entire ride home (nearly 3 hours) and only woke up once for about 5 mins. Poor thing was exhausted from the night before, I think. Overall a huge success!!

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