[except for today because Sophia woke up for the day crying at 5am]
5:30 am - 1st wake up of the day, nurse a little, go back to sleep
6:30 am - 2nd wake up of the day, nurse a little, go back to sleep
7:30 am - wake up for good. Sometimes wake up crying. Sometimes wake up happy. If crying, mommy tries nursing me or anything else to get me to stop crying. If happy, I lie in bed and coo at the ceiling fan and curtains and "talk" to mommy and daddy.
8:00 am - Mommy takes me into my room and changes my diaper. We look at my pictures (photos of me in mommy's belly and of mommy and daddy when they were my age and of my dee ree and nanny and grandpa and poppy). Sometimes if I'm feeling happy, I will lie on the changing table a while and smile and flirt with daddy and talk to mommy.
8:15 am - Depending on my mood and when I last ate, I will either nurse again with mommy in the rocking chair or else I will do "twinkle twinkle" time. "Twinkle twinkle time" is when mommy puts me in my crib and turns on my mobile which has pretty spinning flowers and plays the song "twinkle twinkle little star." If I nurse, mommy reads some books to me while I'm nursing. If we read, we always read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Sometimes we also read Goodnight Philadelphia or The Napping House or The Red Barn.
8:45 am - We go downstairs and look out the back door to see what the weather is like for the day. Sometimes we will play a little or mommy will sit me up in the boppy and talk to me or try to cut my fingernails.
9:00 am - By this time, I'm usually sleepy again but since I don't normally take long naps mommy has to bounce me (either standing up or recently on the new exercise ball) or nurse me (or sometimes both at the same time!) until I fall asleep. If/when I fall asleep mommy will try tp put me in my vibrating papasan chair. Then, if she successfully can put me down in the vibrating chair without waking me up, I will sleep a little. This is usually when mommy will try to sneak a shower in. I know this because many times I will wake up and not let her get one yet. Eventually, she does get one (usually) even if it's only a very, very quick one or even if I'm awake by the time she gets out.
10:00-11:00 am - Depending on what day it is, we either go to mommy's breast-feeding supprt group or we go to Aunt Amy's house or Aunt Amy comes to our house with my friends Max, Charlotte and Trey. Or, if my Dee Ree has a day off, she comes over to help mommy take care of me. Sometimes, we have a special outing to the zoo or to New Jersey. Sometimes, mommy and I just hang out here at the house (but usually that makes for a very long day).
3:00 - 4:00 pm - By this time in the day, I get a little more cranky and tired depending on how much sleep (or lack thereof) I might have gotten during the day. Mommy tries all sorts of tricks to try and get me to sleep and/or to stop crying including taking me out for a walk in the stroller or putting me in the baby bjorn and taking me outside to water flowers or just walk around. What can I say, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
6:15 pm - Daddy comes home. Sometimes mommy is so excited by this she and I are waiting in the driveway for him! Mommy likes to let Daddy hold me as soon as he walks in the door. She figures he must miss me so much since he hasn't gotten to hold or kiss me since the morning. And, he does miss me and can't wait to hold me. Usually, it's not very long that he is holding me or playing with me that I'm crying again because I'm getting very tired by now. So usually Daddy will get dinner together (either by cooking it or putting out whatever Dee Ree brought over). Mommy holds me and nurses me while she eats dinner and lately I've been falling asleep by about 7:30-8pm in her arms. Up until about a week ago, mommy and daddy had to take turns bouncing me while the other ate dinner. Also up until about a week ago, they would take me upstairs and mommy would nurse me or they'd take turns bouncing me to the soothing sounds of a hairdryer or vaccum or other white noise until I fell asleep. But, recently I've been just falling asleep in mommy's arms and she carries me up to bed around 8:30-9pm - She puts me in my co-sleeper bed and I stay sleeping until about 12:30am usually.
12:30 am - At that time I wake up and mommy nurses me. I go back to sleep, usually next to mommy in bed now, until I start waking up again around 4am or 5am when I'm hungry again.
And, the day starts all over. It's a pretty exciting life and lots of changes happen every week. Of course, throughout each day mommy and I sing some songs and play with some toys. Sometimes, we will have a photo shoot. Sometimes, she tries to put me on my tummy but I don't quite like that yet. Sometimes, she will try to give me a bath but I don't like that yet either. Each day we try some new things. Each day I do something new or like something new or don't like something new. It's all very exciting, don't you think??
We fink you has a furry exciting life Sophie! We likes yer clothes wif da kitties on 'em too!
P.S. Kiera has some furry cute blurpy gurl clothes that she would be happy to pass on if yer interested. Most of Kiera's primo outfits have only been worn once cuz she's grown furry fast! Mommakitty would email you some photos. Please let us know if yer interested - email us at:
P.S.S. - here are some samples:
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